Group 6.1
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Hi Everyone today we will learn about narrative text
enjoy :)
Group 6.1
Ibu Pertiwi
Kulihat ibu pertiwi
Sedang bersusah hati
Air matamu berlinang
Mas intanmu terkenang
Hutan gunung sawah lautan
Simpanan kekayaan
Kini ibu sedang susah
Merintih dan berdoa
Kulihat ibu pertiwi
Kami datang berbakti
Lihatlah putra-putrimu
Menggembirakan ibu
Ibu kami tetap cinta
Putramu yang setia
Menjaga harta pusaka
Untuk nusa dan bangsa
Behrman is an old man who lives in the apartment building with Johnsy and Sue. He hears about what has happened to Johnsy and decides to help. He is a gruff man, and no one thinks much about him. He hasn't worked on his own painting in over 40 years, but paints a vine with a leaf on it. He puts it out side of Johnsy's window and she sees the leaf is still there. Behrman catches pneumonia and dies shortly after finishing his painting. The leaf that he has painted saves Johnsy's life.
Hi Everyone today we will learn about narrative text
enjoy :)
Group 6.1
- Dinda Fathia
- Firsandini
- willy Lukman hakim
Ibu Pertiwi
Song Lyrics
Ibu Pertiwi
Kulihat ibu pertiwi
Sedang bersusah hati
Air matamu berlinang
Mas intanmu terkenang
Hutan gunung sawah lautan
Simpanan kekayaan
Kini ibu sedang susah
Merintih dan berdoa
Kulihat ibu pertiwi
Kami datang berbakti
Lihatlah putra-putrimu
Menggembirakan ibu
Ibu kami tetap cinta
Putramu yang setia
Menjaga harta pusaka
Untuk nusa dan bangsa
Narrative Text
Two painters, Johnsy and Sue live together in Greenwich Village. They young painters and work hard on their paintings. With winter quickly approaching, Johnsy get pneumonia and becomes very ill. She thinks she is dying. She looks out her window and decides that when the last leaf falls from the vine growing, she will die.Behrman is an old man who lives in the apartment building with Johnsy and Sue. He hears about what has happened to Johnsy and decides to help. He is a gruff man, and no one thinks much about him. He hasn't worked on his own painting in over 40 years, but paints a vine with a leaf on it. He puts it out side of Johnsy's window and she sees the leaf is still there. Behrman catches pneumonia and dies shortly after finishing his painting. The leaf that he has painted saves Johnsy's life.
Cublak Cublak Suweng
Song Lyrics
Cublak Cublak Suweng
Cublak-cublak suweng
suwenge ting gelenter
Mambu ketudhung gudhel
Pak Gempong lera lere
Sapa ngguyu ndelikake
Sir sir pong dele gosong
Sir sir pong dele gosong
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