Group 6.2

 Group 6.2

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Hi everyone!
Welcome to my blog.
Today we Will learn about Narrative text
so i hope you all enjoy it. 
happy reading:)

Group 6.2


  • Marcella putri liastika
  • Shara Zinta gunawan

Dari Sabang Sampai Merauke

Song Lyrics

Dari Sabang Sampai Merauke

Dari sabang sampai merauke
menjajah pulau - pulau
sambung menyambung menjadi satu
Itulah Indonesia
Indonesia tanah airku
Aku berjanji padamu
Menjunjung tanah airku

Tanah airku Indonesia


Narrative Text


Short Movie



  Inspired by the problem most of us have while waking up in the morning, Mesai a Independent Korean Animation team produced Alarm an impressive 3D animated short which  tells the story of a regular guy who has a really hard time to wake up.

  To tell the truth I was first attracted to Mesai’s “Alarm,”  for its beautifully soft lighting and rendering. After watching it  couple of times, I noticed some of subtle character animation and i was pulled into this world where everything is punctuated by alarms, where every moment of stillness is just a preamble to the spine-wrenching squeal of a bell, near the end of the film i found myself grinning wildly, enjoying the entire experience immensely.

Kampuang Nan Jauah Di Mato

Song Lyrics

Kampuan Nan Jauah Di Mato

Kampuang nan jauh di mato
Gunuang sansai bakuliliang
Den takana jo kawan, kawan lamo
Sangkek den basuliang suliang

Panduduaknya nan elok nan
Nan suko bagotong royong
Sakik  sanang samo samo diraso
Den takana jo kampuang

Takana jo kampuang
Induak ayah adiak sadonyo
Raso mahimbau himbau den pulang
Den takana jo kampuang


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