
Showing posts from April, 2020

Narrative Text

Narrative Text Back when i was in junior high school,i have a friend.He often get bullied and get mocked by other student. i ask Why he didnt tell the teacher ? He say he is okay with it. Until they bullied him too far,that makes me angry and fighting with other students,In the end my friend thanked me for defending him.and until now we still communicated.

Group 6.2

 Group 6.2 Assalamualaikum wr.wb Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog. Today we Will learn about Narrative text so i hope you all enjoy it.  happy reading :) Group 6.2 Member: Marcella putri liastika Shara Zinta gunawan Opening Dari Sabang Sampai Merauke Song Lyrics Dari Sabang Sampai Merauke Dari sabang sampai merauke menjajah pulau - pulau sambung menyambung menjadi satu Itulah Indonesia Indonesia tanah airku Aku berjanji padamu Menjunjung tanah airku Tanah airku Indonesia News Narrative Text Quiz Short Movie ALARM Synopsys   Inspired by the problem most of us have while waking up in the morning, Mesai a Independent Korean Animation team produced Alarm an impressive 3D animated short which  tells the story of a regular guy who has a really hard time to wake up.   To tell the truth I was first attracted to Mesai’s “Alarm,”  for...

Group 6.1

Assalamualaikum wr.wb Hi Everyone today we will learn about narrative text enjoy :) Group 6.1 Member: Dinda Fathia Firsandini willy Lukman hakim Opening Ibu Pertiwi Song Lyrics Ibu Pertiwi Kulihat ibu pertiwi Sedang bersusah hati Air matamu berlinang Mas intanmu terkenang Hutan gunung sawah lautan Simpanan kekayaan Kini ibu sedang susah Merintih dan berdoa Kulihat ibu pertiwi Kami datang berbakti Lihatlah putra-putrimu Menggembirakan ibu Ibu kami tetap cinta Putramu yang setia Menjaga harta pusaka Untuk nusa dan bangsa News: Narrative Text Quiz Video Synopsis Two painters, Johnsy and Sue live together in Greenwich Village. They young painters and work hard on their paintings. With winter quickly approaching, Johnsy get pneumonia and becomes very ill. She thinks she is dying. She looks out her window and decides that when the last leaf falls from the vine growing, she will die. Behrma...

A letter

1. Have you ever faced a situation in which all odds were against you but you had unflinching faith in God and believed that everything will be resolved? Write about this situation and describe your feelings. yes i faced it when i forgot to work my homework and it must be submit today. my friend told me to skip class so i dont get a punishment from teacher but i keep believe miracle will happen.And the miracle happens the teacher need to go because he have meeting,when i know that i feeling very grateful to god and keep thanking to god : ).

Group 5.2

Recalling Group 5.2 Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog. I will tell you  about letter writting so i hope you all enjoy it.  Member: Talitha Aliya Wijayanti khalisa.I intan febriyanti Opening Ibu Pertiwi Song Lyrics Ibu Pertiwi Kulihat ibu pertiwi Sedang bersusah hati Air matamu berlinang Mas intanmu terkenang Hutan gunung sawah lautan Simpanan kekayaan Kini ibu sedang susah Merintih dan berdoa Kulihat ibu pertiwi Kami datang berbakti Lihatlah putra-putrimu Menggembirakan ibu Ibu kami tetap cinta Putramu yang setia Menjaga harta pusaka Untuk nusa dan bangsa News: Letter Writting Quiz Video Exercise Short movie LILI Synopsys Lilly The Little Hope himself tells the story of a little girl named Lilly,  whose mother died. However, Lilly remains tough cheerful and full of inspiration. Closing Mojang Priangan Song...